News — cbd oil
CBD Yoga. It's a Thing.

CBD Yoga is an emerging trend that aims to deliver the best of both worlds. Relaxation from CBD Oil and the zen you feel after yoga. What more do you need? With the hustle and bustle of daily life, it can be hard to find time to relax and unwind. The accumulated stress and fatigue can have a direct impact on your health, proper functioning and consequently your overall efficiency. Thankfully, you can always indulge in some mind-relaxing yoga preceded by a healthy dose of CBD oil for a truly therapeutic session. For the uninitiated, we’ll be discussing why you...
Can Cannabidiol (CBD) Help Treat Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?

The use of CBD for PTSD treatment is a recent hot-button topic that has elicited mixed reactions across the board. But does it work? If so, how, and what are the potential side effects? Cannabidiol has provided relief for a number of conditions, both psychological and somatic. Can CBD Help With PTSD? If recent studies...
CBD Oil and How it Helps with Pain

CBD Oil for pain has been a popular remedy recently. As a result, there have been increased calls for safer, non-opioid based pain medications. Studies involving the use of CBD oil for chronic pain, inflammation and anxiety have brought new hope to people living with these conditions. CBD oil has risen in popularity on...
Mar 25, 2020
Tags: CBD CBD for Pain cbd oilWhat is CBD Oil and How Does it Work?

What is CBD oil? CBD (cannabidiol) has to be perhaps the most discussed topic in recent months. You might also have heard of its purported ability to treat a number of common illnesses that range from anxiety, insomnia and even the management of chronic pain. There are numerous ongoing studies aimed at gathering more d...
THC vs. CBD. What is The Difference?

You should know the difference between THC vs. CBD if you're interested in cannabis products. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) and CBD (cannabidiol) are two of the most abundant natural cannabinoids. Interest in the effects, benefits and possible use of cannabinoids has reached epic proportions. Especially after the legalization